Target Amount: N/A
Collected Amount: 0.00 BDT
Remaining Amount: N/A
Paid Amount: 0.00 BDT
Remaining Amount in A/C: 0.00 BDT
Donation Closed at: Sep 07, 2019
  • By Golam Rabbi
  • Sep 07, 2019
Treatment Fund for Mozammel Sir

We, all the members of CSEJU family have already been informed about the severe sickness of our respected Mozammel Sir. After talking with sir and his family member, we stayed beside sir by giving him some financial support in the last year. Sir's treatment is a long term process and it is taking huge amount to continue the process. Everything will be decided by Allah. We just can do an effort. For part of this effort, we can again give sir some financial suppports. So, we are again opening this event to collect fund. No fixed amount is defined. You can put any fund as your wish.

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